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Easily connect to Medusa from your Nuxt application

Nuxt Medusa


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Medusa module for Nuxt.


  • Nuxt 3 ready
  • Wrapper around @medusajs/js-sdk
  • Handy composables like useMedusaClient
  • Usage in API server routes with serverMedusaClient
  • TypeScript support

Quick Setup

  1. Add @nuxtjs/medusa dependency to your project
npx nuxi@latest module add medusa
  1. Create .env file with following MEDUSA_URL variable:
MEDUSA_URL=<YOUR_MEDUSA_URL> # By default http://localhost:9000

And that's it! You can now fetch data from Medusa in Nuxt ✨

<script setup lang="ts">
  const client = useMedusaClient();
  const { products } = await;

If you are encountering problems with CORS from Medusa, make sure that process.env.STORE_CORS in medusa-config.js file is pointing to your local Nuxt project. By default, Medusa has CORS set for http://localhost:8000 while Nuxt is running by default on http://localhost:3000


# Install dependencies

# Generate type stubs
yarn dev:prepare

# Develop with the playground
yarn dev

# Build the playground
yarn dev:build

# Run ESLint
yarn lint

# Run Vitest
yarn test
yarn test:watch

# Release new version
yarn release